Computer Brands can help Air Quality !

Adults, children and elders use tablet, notebook and personal computers much time every day. We inhale more than 10,000 liters of air per day. The very air we breathe is growing dangerously polluted, nine out of ten people now breathe polluted air, which kills 7 million people every year. That explains why personal air monitoring in time are important. Click Here

Now, computer brands can adopt the world’s smallest unique CurieJet® P760 module to monitor PM2.5 & VOCs air quality and help end customers to protect themselves from air pollutions. Just integrates P760 inside the computers or external connected by USB adapter.

ADDWII APP is available under licensing to support various functions. ADDWII APP support Air Quality Status, Histogram, Camera Shot, Air Map, Personal Trail, Knowledge Info, Account, etc. and create BIG DATA via AI in CLOUD to make the end products become IOT and AIOT devices.

For more information, please visit: Click Here